So much for 365 huh! I started and already missed two days. Haha. Guess I'll just have to make up for them. It was a busy weekend... but anyways, here is some of what I have been able to look at for the past two weeks...
I guess Autumn just reminds of how amazing our God is... (doesn't everything?!) I know that many areas around the world are not able to experience Autumn as this Minnesota girl is privileged to. But this is what it reminds me of....
Autumn is a time for the trees to rest, to rejuvenate themselves. According to the leaves turn colors and begin to fall because winter is coming (obviously)... During the winter it is too cold for photosyntheses to occur. There is not enough water or light. So, the trees begin to pull back on their "food" supply to the leaves. The trees REST and eat off the "food" they've stored during the summer.
Going through life we come up against times when there is just not enough to keep us going at the rate or in the way we have been going... thats when REST comes in...
Psalm 116:6-9 (Message) says 'God takes the side of the helpless; when I was at the end of my rope, He saved me. I said to myself, "Relax and rest. God has showered you with blessings. Soul, you've been rescued from death; Eye, you've been rescued from tears; And you, Foot, were kept from stumbling." I'm striding the the presence of God, alive in the land of the living!'
Psalm 37:7 (Amplified) says 'Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him'
Do you see anything similar in these two verses? There are so many other verses to go along with this as well. God doesn't want you to be struggling and working and laboring through life. He wants to take care of it! He wants you to be resting in Him. The amazing thing is... the more you rest in Him, the more you can get done!
Think of it this way; When you are told you HAVE to do something, how willing are you to do it? Are you looking forward to doing it? Or are you just excited to be done with it. BUT, when you are doing something that you DESIRE to do, or that you are doing FOR someone, than you are generally pleased in doing it, knowing what the outcome will be.
God created us for relationship. He did not create us for working. Yes, there are things that He has in our path for us, things to achieve and do. But what I'm saying is when you are RESTING in Him, you feel happy to do things FOR Him.
One of the dictionary's definitions of rest: be placed or supported so as to stay in a specified position
We are being supported by God! He is holding us up when we're resting in Him! It doesn't mean that we're doing nothing and laying around all day. It means we are stable in Him.