Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Loyalty. Love. Dogs.

I thought that I would take pictures of one of the most loyal companions in my life... my dog.

I got Brindy when I was in 9th grade. She just turned 7 this last summer, and she's amazing.

One of the things that I so admire about my dog is her loyalty, her love for me, and the fact that she always wants to be with me. I am reminded of God's love for us...

No matter how many times we ignore God, do things on our own, or shrug Him off... He so appreciates and loves every moment we spend with Him! My dog follows me around the house, wants to go everywhere I go, and just loves sitting with me. 

I don't think people realize how much God just wants to BE with us. To be included in our lives. So often I hear people say that they've messed up a lot lately so they have some cleaning up to do before they can go to church. WHAT?!?! How backwards is that? And its not even about GOING to church... its about going to God. He doesn't give us a list and say "Here, stop smoking, drinking, swearing, having sex outside of marriage and THAN we'll talk." No. He loves us JUST as we are. Wants us to be His friend. We were created for RELATIONSHIP. 

God will always rejoice over every moment we spend with Him. He doesn't lecture us... He loves us. He wants to be our friend. And He wants to be included in our daily lives. :)

So, from Brindy and me, have a good day! And include God. He just wants to spend time with you.


  1. Ok, now I'm lagging.... This week has been kicking me in the butt... I need to give it a kick back. Hopefully tomorrow will allow me to take some 'non assignment' photos.

  2. Haha I was wondering!! :) I look forward to seeing what you do! I will admit... I don't know how I'm going to have something to photograph every day... This is going to be a challenge!!
