Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sorting Through and Organizing Life

Right now I'm sitting in Starbucks in Fargo, drinking tea and thinking...

Joel has training here so I rode along because I knew if I had nothing else to do I'd get stuff done. It seems I've developed a bit of a habit lately. I have my pile of good intentions... and then I go to the other things that are on my desk at that moment. I completely avoid what I've set as my 'to-do' pile. It's not that I am avoiding them on purpose, or that they make me nervous or anything. It's more that I get distracted.

Joel always teases me because APPARENTLY I can be in the middle of a conversation and if someone pulls out chocolate or something shiny (or both... like a hershey's kiss) I go 'Ooo!' and reach for it, completely forgetting where I was at. I feel like I do that sometimes with my everyday tasks.

Now don't get me wrong, I complete dozens of things everyday... I'm not being lazy or just sitting around... I'm just not completing my list. 

I've been talking to God about it, asking Him to help me with my issue, and He has shown me how I need to set myself up. I get overwhelmed with the idea of completing something in one sitting, yet its what I want to do. Which is why I procrastinate so often and rush to finish things! But what He showed me is that I can do things bit by bit. He also showed me that I can seek Him daily on what to complete. He knows the days that I just need to sit. He knows the days I can complete 1,000 things like super woman. He knows... He knows.

I'm learning. I'm growing. I'm coming along.

I guess the reason I wrote this was to encourage you... if you have something you do that you don't like about yourself. Ask God. Ask Him why it is you do what you do, and not only that, but how to fix it.

That is all.

Have a great day!

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